Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Like the birds that fly in the firmament,
Like the plants that dance thanks to the wind,
Like the fishes that swim in the rivers,
Like the animals that run through the land,
I will be happy to convey to the world my voice of joy.

Let´s praise the shine of the love,
Let´s praise the blessing that is as beautiful as a blooming flower.
Let´s praise our own Sublimation.
Now, I'll be happy to turn my life into a world for the love. Let´s praise!

I'm happy to see you sleeping with a smile,
and that smile is because of the vanishing of all the sufferings.
I'm happy to see that you are relaxing,
and thinking what do you love the most, and what is the most important thing to you.
I will be happy to protect this world for the love.
I will concentrate in not forgiving even the slightest mistake.

Let's praise, so the sinners can be judged.
Let´s praise that the radiance of the dawn will not disappear.
Let´s praise our own Sublimation,
Now, offer all of yourselves to me and let´s gather in the way of hope. Let's praise!!

The sky is being dyed with the color of the dawn, and I tremble with the presentiment of change.
Let's try to catch that tiny star once more.
The laments aren't reaching us already,
and even if the people are still despairing,
they will stop living in the forest of darkness.

I'm happy that the morning dew is claimed by the flying butterflies,
and they gently fly down over your closed eyelids.
The trees have finished sprouting their new leaves,
and they are shrouding us gently with their breath.
I'm sad because you all are depressed,
because of the sufferings and cries that come from the memories of the past.

I will offer my embrace to you, and console you.
I will offer to this world and I will remove all the laments from it.
I shall offer my and my Sublimation.
I will be happy to sing for your sake, and to purify the world.

I'll be happy to turn my life into a world for the love.
I will be happy to protect this world for the love.

I'm happy to be with you, and I want to be forever, forever with you.
I'm very happy to be with you, and I want to be forever, forever with you.


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